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How important is Friendster anyways?

How important is Friendster nowadays? The site gained a Google PageRank of 7/10 as of press time.The Google PageRank became the standard by which Google now ranks webpages. My firefox plugin says Pagerank is Google's view of the importance of this page.

Friendster is a leading global social network emphasizing genuine friendship - from their homepage

The name of an online social networking site (SNS) that provides the tools and applications for people to connect with friends, family and co-workers and stay in touch online. As of June 2008, Friendster has more than 70 million registered users and is available in eight languages. - webopedia.com

The first social networking site. Launched in 2002 by Jonathan Abrams, members are typically teenagers or young adults in their 20s, depending on the country they live in. By 2007, the majority of Friendster users were from Southeast Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore) - answers.com

Then I think again.

Yes, Friendster (FS) is definitely important somehow. The reasons may vary but all in all it pertains to knowing something about someone. There are some news in the blogsophere about how FS made it possible for others to find their old friends and long lost relatives. There are some who discovered that the person they know is totally a different person after all. Cheaters and liars are exposed.

Oh well, that's the price we pay for exposing ourselves to the world wide web. Isn't it?

But hey, there are still many people who have hidden FS accounts... Hmmm...

Honesty is still the best policy then and Friendster really rocks! =)


Anonymous said…
For me Friendster is really important, coz, with this social networking site, I was able to touch bases with my high school friends, imagine we sre HS Batch 1989 and are bonding is still unbeatable. Almost 50% of our batch was active in our Yahoogroups and Friendster groups.