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New TikTok Account @ifyoudarevlog

Finally, I created a TikTok account! 

I will be cross-sharing videos via Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube as well. Please like and subscribe!


Some Reminders: TikTok privacy and security tips: How to secure your TikTok account

There are steps that all users can take to make their use of TikTok more secure:

To set your account to private:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Tap three dots in the right-hand corner and select "Privacy and Settings"
  3. Select the “Privacy and Safety” option and toggle “Private Account” on/off

To control who comments on your TikTok posts:

  1. Within “Privacy and Safety”, tap “Who can send me comments”
  2. Choose “Friends” to limit comments to people you know
  3. You can also turn off comments on individual videos by going to the menu button on the video and selecting “Comments off”

To control who duets with you:

  1. Within “Privacy and Safety”, tap “Who can duet with me”
  2. Choose from the various options – “Everyone”, “Friends” or “Off”

To control who sends you direct messages:

  1. Within “Privacy and Safety”, tap “Who can send messages to me”
  2. Choose from the various options – “Everyone”, “Friends” or “Off