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23 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed

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We know, it's summer in some parts of the world — you don't want to stay indoors all day everyday. Well don't worry, even if you missed some of Mashable's social media resources while out frolicking we've got another great list of resources from the past week to get you all caught up.

Below you'll find our weekly power-guide to the best social media resources this side of the 'Net. This edition includes a ton of business resources for the social-media-savvy entrepreneur and even some quirky facts (LOL used to mean "Little Old Lady"?). Whatever your passion, dig in and enjoy.

Social Media

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For more social media news and resources, you can follow Mashable's social media channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.

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For more tech news and resources, you can follow Mashable's tech channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.


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For more business news and resources, you can follow Mashable's business channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.
[Image Credit: Nitin Garg]

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