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Bungang Araw (Pricky Heat)

Specially formulated to help cool down the skin and prevent skin discomfort due to annoying prickly heat bungang araw. 

Since it’s summer and it is so hot, my nephew is having prickly heat (bunging araw) and they are so visible. Heis not complaining though but with other kids having many of it is so itchy. I don’t remember having them when I was a kid. I’m just so disturbed looking at them. 

I asked my sister to get him some baby powder with cornstarch. She bought Fissan (Extra Cool Prickly Heat Powder). I'm actually surprised because I never imagined that it smells so good. Well, I’m just used to the regular unscented prickly heat powder. Now, I love smelling my nephew. =) 

With natural honeysuckle extracts

Alternatively, you can also use Johnson's Baby Powder Cooling. I like it as well, especially when traveling around in this weather.

 By the way, I hope summer will end soon. I don’t like it. It’s so HOT!!!

Source: Watsons


Anonymous said…
hi there! :)

for me the best cure for bungang araw is still pure cassava starch (not the baby powder ones) . In Visayan we call it tayobong, and is the same one our laundrywomen of old use to stiffen up cotton polo shirts.
jhong said…
wow, thanks bambit, let me try that sa aking pamangking heheh =)