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When you just believe

I'm reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and one thing that I am keeping in my mind right now is to attract positive energies. If you believe that something positive will happen to you, it will. It seems like moving mountains with your faith. I am a believer, no matter what. And they say, if you will not believe in yourself, nobody will. Quite tough, isn't it?

I am happy today for all the blessings in my life. I just found it odd that with my moments of glory, I am getting physical bruises. It usually happens during Lenten Seasons, anything came up just for me to have physical pain... yes, definitely anything. Sometimes, it happens when I am so happy. Perhaps, it happens because it is a reminder for me that I am not alone. I might be happy but there are people who are not. It is a reality check that with every joy there is pain. It makes us human. It makes us humble.

It's been two Sundays already that I am doing my visit. I am not a religious person but I am a believer and that makes my spirit at peace. With everything we have right now, there is Someone who will still loves us unconditionally. Faith is a blanket of comfort to warm our heart and soul. I saw His glow last night and I continued to believe in Him.

When you just believe...

Everything is possible even if it's not. =)


Thom Rutledge said…
In the spirit of open-minded discussion, I ask that anyone interested in Rhonda Byrne's dvd/book project, The Secret, consider another perspective: www.thesecretantidote.com. With this web site I am clearly registering my objections and concerns about The Secret, but I have done so with the intent to be fair in my critique. Whether you believe in the absolute power of "the law of attraction," or are a skeptic, I hope you will take a look. Thank you. Thom Rutledge / www.thesecretantidote.com