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How to overcome fear?

I always say that I am a positive thinker and I continue to believe on it. But sometimes I wonder if I am truly believing on something or I am just making myself believe on it...

I fear the unknown and I am convincing myself that I can overcome it. I need to have a checkup tomorrow to know my condition that has been the very essence of my misery and frustration. I have to understand and prepare myself for the worst. I have done these many times but I can't find the perfect explanation. I have given up a long time ago but I have to push myself to be positive not for me, but for the special persons in my life. I have to be brave and continue to have faith in Him. He knows what is best for me...

I have prepared myself for this three years ago and I am thankful for the blessings. But I can't help it but to ask, "Why do you have to make me so scared of taking away something from me that I haven't experience yet?"

I surely believe that in every suffering, there is joy and blessing for me just waiting to be unravelled by itself.

So, how are we supposed  to overcome fear?

1. Pray and believe in Him.
- You can never go wrong when you have God in your life.

2. Confide to your family, friends and special someone.
- They know hat is best for you.

3. Be prepared.
- Do some research on what your fear is about.

4. Know thyself.
- You have to understand thoroughly why you fear something.

5. Think for happy thoughts.
- Like in Peter Pan, when you think of a happy thought, you can fly... well in our case, we can conquer =)

7. Face your fear.
- - Its time to be acquainted with the unknown. You may realize that it is not that bad after all when you have all the information you needed.

6. Hugs and kisses.
- We always have someone to turn to like our family and the best part of it is that hugs are free. Eat some kisses as well or other chocolate to make you feel happy.

7. Believe in Him and pray.
- When everything still turned upside down, always remember that He knows what's best for us.
